’Tis the gift-giving season – and toys are on everyone’s mind. We’ve analyzed Google Search Volume and used Google Trends, as well as a variety of “top toys” and “classic toys” lists, to determine the most popular toys across the U.S. The map below shows which states are eyeing which toys.
Which Toys Were Popular This Year?
While hockey gear in Alaska and scooters in Florida make sense with their respective weather conditions, Hawaiians apparently enjoy challenging themselves with the old-school Rubik’s cube. Modern-day toy enthusiasts hail from Nevada, West Virginia, South Carolina, and Maryland. And if you’re visiting the Big Easy, you might spy a scout elf or two.
When it comes to active vs. more passive toys, the Northwest is looking at gifts that will get kids moving – or crafting. Two of the most populous states, California and New York, are joined by Wisconsin and Illinois for being home to gamers, and the residents of Mississippi and Georgia turn to age-appropriate tablets for their little ones.
Here’s The Map
Wondering which gift is trending in your state? Have a look below.
What Do You Think?
As you can see, our list of gifts varies greatly in different parts of the country. You’ve got your classic favorites like stuffed animals and scooters, and some more recent gifts like Disney “Frozen” toys and the latest video game consoles. How do the wish lists of the kids in your life compare to those of the masses?
Let us know what gifts are on your children’s lists this year in the comments section below.
Happy Holidays
Last but not least, let’s remember that the Holiday Season is about more than just gifts. It’s about spreading joy and kindness to friends, family, and even strangers. So Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Pancha Ganapati, and if you celebrate anything else,the team at Dealhack wishes you and yours the very best!